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Subscription Pricing

We use token-based pricing and promise to reduce prices as soon as our costs go down.

Premium Version: 30,000,000 points per month.

ModelPrompt CostCompletion CostMaximum Context
GPT-3.5-16K10 points / token20 points / token16K tokens
GPT-4-128K100 points / token300 points / token128K tokens
PaLM-2-32K5 points / token5 points / token32K tokens
Claude-2.180 points / token240 points / token200K tokens

Difference between Premium and Free Version

FeatureFree VersionPremium Version
Quotax30,000,000 points / month
Advanced ModelsxGPT-4, Claude-2-200K, etc.
Voice Inputx
iCloud Syncx
PriceFree$7.99/month or $49.99/year